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Drain Cleaning Service For Restaurants

Drain Cleaning Service For Restaurants

Drain Cleaning Service For Restaurants

Is the Drain cleaning service for restaurants helpful? If you own a restaurant, you’ve probably experienced clogged drains. Drain problems are usually minor annoyances. Simply clear the obstruction and return to your work. Clogged drains, on the other hand, can result in flooded kitchens. Customers must wait while the mess is cleaned up, and personnel run the risk of sliding and injuring themselves on damp flooring. Worse, drain difficulties can occasionally produce a stench so strong that it drives clients away. Discover at!

Drain Cleaning Service For Restaurants

Drain Cleaning Service For Restaurants

Backups in commercial kitchen drains are typically caused by FOG—Fat, Oil, and Grease—that makes its way down the drain. The liquids harden when they cool, obstructing the drain. These jams must be cleared as soon as possible so that your staff may return to work and significant damage to the pipes is avoided.

First, use a plunger to clear the clog. If that doesn’t work, try a plumbing snake, also known as a drain snake, which is a thin, flexible tool designed to break apart obstructions that won’t come out with a plunger. Running hot water can sometimes dissolve the fat that is clogging the drain. Alternatively, pour baking soda down the drain, then add vinegar.

Drain cleaning products, even well-known brands, are not recommended by plumbing professionals. These chemicals may be beneficial in the short term, but if not used properly, they might damage your pipes and necessitate costly repairs. Also, never use bleach to clean a drain. While bleach will kill germs and remove odors, it will not dissolve obstructions. If bleach is left in the pipes, it might react with another chemical, such as ammonia, to form a toxic gas.

How to Avoid Issues

The ideal restaurant drain cleaning method is to prevent clogs from occurring in the first place.

It’s only a matter of time before they stack up and form a clog in the drain.

Drain covers are an easy solution to keep large bits of food and debris from washing down the drain.

Grease traps keep FOGs from building up in a restaurant’s pipes. They’re intended to let oily water that’s been poured down the drain to cool. The oils then harden and float to the surface as the water flows down the pipes to the sewer system.

What Causes the Smell of Sewage at a Restaurant?

What Causes the Smell of Sewage at a Restaurant?

If grease traps are not cleaned regularly, they will emit the odor of rotten eggs. That odor is caused by hydrogen sulfide gas, which is created by bacteria thriving in the traps. Not only will the odor turn off your customers, but the gas is combustible and could endanger your kitchen crew.

Allowing “P-traps” to dry out is another factor that can make a restaurant smell like sewage. A P-trap is a U-shaped pipe installed beneath a sink. When it contains water, it prevents sewage gases from backing up. Many restaurants encountered this issue when the pandemic began and the number of people eating out plummeted substantially. Because their sinks were getting less usage, the P-traps dried out, allowing sewage odors to back up the drain. If this occurs in your restaurant, experts recommend sending hot water down the drain to fill the P-trap and remove the odor.

The Advantages of Routine Drain Cleaning

The Advantages of Routine Drain Cleaning

To avoid these and other plumbing issues, it is necessary to obtain assistance from commercial cleaners. Regular commercial drain cleaning provides numerous advantages that you may not be aware of, so we’ve highlighted a few of them below:

Identifies problems before they become severe

Regular business drain cleaning will assist you in determining whether or not your plumbing system has any breaks or cracks. If such pipes are left neglected for a year or two, you will save money on expensive repairs. We’ve all heard how expensive big blockages can be, so don’t overspend.

Removes all debris that may cause future drain clogs

These particles may not be a big deal right now, but once they’ve gathered to a certain amount, you’ll undoubtedly notice some unpleasant events like flooding flooring, slipping, and more. Clearing debris from your pipes restores the water flow to its previous state.

Prevents drain and plumbing problems

As previously said, restaurant drains receive a large volume of oil, fat, and grease regularly, which can easily cause clogging issues inside your drainage system. Not only that, but it also enhances your overall health.


frequent cleaning of a restaurant’s premises is just as important as frequent kitchen drainage cleaning maintenance for restaurant operators. With these advantages in mind, you can make plans to invest in expert drain cleaning services to avoid sink clogs!


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